
Male, 3 years old

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He is ten months old and liver spotted . He has been castrated.  He sounds like a typical lively puppy with no vices. He is in a foster home and this is what they have to say about him:

His fosterer says he has been well socialised and is good with dogs of all ages. He can be ball obsessed and will play fetch although you need two balls as otherwise he won’t give it back. He will run away at speed initially when off the lead but typical Dallie will stop and make sure you are following. He will come back when called but not always if he is distracted by playing with another dog or a ball. He would rather romp than cuddle. If he gets overexcited he needs to spend time alone. He responds well to this so probably needs a crate or a quiet room. He has a tendency to pull strongly on a lead particularly if excited so is usually better on the way home. This is something we are working on. As with all 10 month old puppies, he is in to everything. we need to keep shoes and books particularly out of reach.

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