
Female, 3 years old

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Millie, loving and lively, pretty and beautifully spotted. She is 2 years old. 

When she was first fostered she would hold her paw off the ground and very rarely put any weight on it, she could still run like the wind, mind !

A visit to the vet was a priority, the vet x-rayed Millie’s foot and advised that they amputate one toe. After the op and with a couple of months to recover Millie is now walking and running on all fours.

Millie is a quick learner, when she first arrived at her foster home she was very excitable and anxious when left by herself but she has had a lot of changes in her life so that’s not surprising. She will benefit from calm, kind training to get her on the right track and keep her clever brain engaged.

Her recall is good and she is learning not to pull on the lead on her walks. She understands the difference between wait and stay but all these things need constant work to help her to remember everything.

Millie is a hunter so will need a home without cats and a town may suit her better than open country. She is nervous with strangers but so sweet to them once gently introduced. Millie is a work in progress when meeting new dogs. 

Millie has been a joy to look after, gentle, enthusiastic, brave and full of beans. Millie has benefitted greatly from the lessons given to her by a dog behaviourist and with continued training will make a wonderful pet.

We would consider a foster home and will provide behaviourist support, we are looking for home where she will be an only dog. 


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