Marshall |
Male, 2½ years old |
Marshall is currently in one of our foster homes, he is doing very well and we are now able to start looking for his new family. The write up below has been written by our fosterer. Marshall is a castrated male liver and white Dalmatian born in April 2022. . He isn’t a large dog. Marshall loves human company and struggles being left, he constantly watches movements of all the humans in our household. We haven’t let Marshall off the lead as yet, apart from in an enclosed field and on quiet walks when we have used a 5m long line. With no distractions his recall is actually quite good with the instruction ’Marshall come’ but as soon as there is something more interesting than us, particularly other dogs, it is virtually non existent, even with very tasty treats. Marshall needs an experienced home with someone around pretty much most of the time, he could be in a single dog household as long as humans are always present initially, if a dog is already present it would need to be a female, preferably older. He needs work on his recall and impulse control so this would need to be considered.