Gift Aid
Gift Aid helps us to make the very most of the donations we receive. For every £1 donated under the scheme, we can reclaim an extra 25p from the Inland Revenue – at no extra cost to the donor, but to the great benefit of the animals that rely on our life-saving work.
As a result of changes to the Gift Aid scheme in March 2000, charities can now reclaim the tax on any donations made after 6 April 2000. All you need to do is to complete a Gift Aid declaration, confirming you are a UK taxpayer and want the charity to reclaim the tax. You do not need to sign a new declaration for each donation – it remains effective until you cease to pay tax in the UK.
Please download our Giftaid form and send it with your cheque or a note to tell us about your standing order to our Treasurer: Mrs D Elliott
BDW Treasurer Wishford 39A Grange Road Egham Surrey TW20 9QP